Thursday, 27 June 2013

Not Enough Time (or not enough friends?)

Over the years the Imp has bought quite a lot of games that offered excitement and promise or just simply looked cool and yet, he has never got around to playing them.  Often this is because the take too long to play, or require a specific amount of players, or in a lot of cases, both!  Most of these games the Imp is absolutely itching to play...

The behemoth that is Twilight Imperium 3

The boss of all space games.  Trying to get enough players together in the same place for what amounts to a whole weekend is pretty hard to do.  The game play that this games potentially offers has the Imp drooling in anticipation.  He promised to himself early in the year that in 2013 he would finally play TI3.  Will it happen?  He hopes so!  With completely unfounded rumours flying around that Fantasy Flight may release the fourth incarnation of this game, it would be a shame not to play it now.  You can guarantee that the next version will be a slimline affair to cater for a 'wider audience', which although worked for Descent, it probably just won't be the same!

The beast to set up that is Earth Reborn

Everything about this game is everything that the Imp likes.  It's a campaign, it's a sandbox, it's modular, it's strategic. it's got miniatures.  The problem is also that it's bloody hard to set up.  Most games in this list, the Imp has at least set up on his kitchen table and played a 'couple' of rounds solo.  This game has at most got to about 70% of set up before the Imp has to go and do something else!  This is like the best kind of video game in a board game and the Imp would love to be able to find someone willing to learn it and play it with him!

The Civ game (with no actual elephants) that is Clash Of Cultures

The Imp used to love the Civ games on his old PC and even used to own a copy of the original Civilisation board game (lost in the great board game cull of '04 - more of which another time).  This was the nearest he could find that would scratch that itch.  The thought of building a whole civilisation and using it's might to wipe all others off the face of the earth is right up the Imp's street.  In the end this game does look a little more like Eclipse with sand rather than the epic just described, but still, it looks good, it looks very good indeed.  Alas it is another game that takes some time to play and probably requires a fair number of people to play it as intended.

The One Game to Rule Them All that is War of The Ring

A truly beautiful game!  The Imp bought the extra large plastic sleeves for the cards, he bought the fancy tin to keep them in, he bought the expansion, he bought more plastic sleeves for those cards, he bought another fancy tin because all the cards wouldn't fit in the first tin, he bought the TreeBeard promo from BoardGameGeek.  He has even bought some paint, to paint the bases of all the little figures so he can tell the difference between those from Rohan and those from the North.  He has watched more videos than he can remember teaching him how to play it, and yet other than setting it up once, it has never been played.  If only he could find someone willing to invest enough time to sit down and play this game!

The moral of the story?

Well, there isn't one really. There are so many games in the Imp's collection that could have been placed on this page.  To name just a few, they include Combat Commander, Conflict Of Heroes, Band Of Brothers, Rune Wars and A Game of Thrones (the board game).  Even these do not exhaust the list.  One day the Imp will make sure he plays all of these games, one day he may even just play through his whole collection and write about the experience in these very pages.  Or, more likely, he will set up these games, sigh heavily and put them away again.

1 comment:

  1. Well Mr Imp, if I am in the area visiting my buddy, whom you know, and I can convince him too... We will indulge you in a game of War of the Ring. If you want of course. Be prepared for a long old session and ignore whatever the time states on the box.

    The others I have no experience of playing and T.I. seems exceptionally long, though very, very interesting.
